I know I've been absent and quiet for a while. I have a good excuse, I promise! I moved across the country from Santa Fe, NM to Columbus, OH. It took me longer to get everything situated in Santa Fe and then getting settled and looking for a job has been taken longer than I'd like also. But, I have been having way too much fun discovering this new city! New people, new experiences, new places to find and new things to do. I've even gotten to cross off a few things from my 100 List!!

9. Learn to water ski.
I tried water skiing this past weekend and although I didn't quite get the hang of it yet, I'm very close and very sore! It even hurts to type!

78. Go to a drive-in theater.
This past weekend (after the water skiing attempt!) I was treated to a relaxing evening at the drive-in movie theater. :)

I've gotten a new-to-me car also. My uncle was kind enough to pass down my Grandmother's car after she passed away. The Silvery Minnow, as she is now named, is an '89 Mercury Grand Marquis. I drive a boat!!

I am trying to get situated with a job and back on a 'normal' schedule of life, creating and blogging. Please stay in touch and come back to see what's new!!