A dear and beautiful woman passed away on January 16, 2010. An amazing athlete, a true friend, an extremely bright and intelligent woman, a loving wife, daughter and sister and through everything, battling cancer. She will always be a light in the lives of everyone that knew her. As a tribute to her and what she loved - tennis, and fought so hard through - cancer, I will be donating all proceeds from Marang97.etsy.com for the month of February to the Karie Schlukebir Award through the Indiana University Athletics Department and the American Cancer Society.

As a constant reminder of Karie, the continuing fight of those stricken by cancer and the constant research needed to find a cure I have added a new item to my shop - The Karie Karnation - a purple carnation to be worn for cancer awareness. This item will always be available from now on and sales of this flower will continue to be donated to the IU Foundation and the American Cancer Society.
You can find my shop here.
If you would like to donate directly to the IU Foundation you can do so here.
If you would like to donate directly to the American Cancer Society click here.