Thursday, December 30, 2010


sommerwithano on Etsy

It's that time of year and everyone seems to be asking the same thing - "What's your New Year's Resolution(s)?" Resolutions seem to be ways to make yourself better, happier, more well-rounded. So why do we always put them off or ignore them completely? Or not make them at all? Why do we tend to wait til the first of the year to make them, or try to, into a realization?

Maybe because it's the new year, a new beginning, rebirth.

My 2010 was full of stress, grief, loss, unhappiness, drama and all around somewhat unproductive at its worst. At its best - thrilling, full of self realizations, growth, love, and warm pleasent days. So for 2011, an actual list. Written out. Published. Let's get to it....

1. Run a 5k in Feburary and a marathon with my brother.
2. Redo my Etsy store.
3. Take more photographs.
4. Cook more.
5. Create a new line of fashion accessories.
6. Be a vendor at a Art & Craft Fair.
7. Write more blog entries.
8. Take a class.
9. Smile more.
10. Create, create, create.
11. Create my 100 List.
12. Get another tattoo.
13. Make more art.
14. Call my family more.
15. Sew more clothes.
Do you make New Year Resolutions? What's one of your's?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


We are scheduled for a big snow storm to hit here in Santa Fe today and it should last till the New Year. Yikes! I've always been fasinated by snowflakes - the individuality, sizes, types, and how they cover all that is familiar. Below are some flakey inspirations. Let is snow!

Raceytay on Etsy

sunnysparks on Etsy

indigoh2o on Etsy

Snowtography on Etsy

Friday, December 24, 2010

A very Merry Christmas

Wishing you a very special holiday filled with family and friends, lots of food and good cheer!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting Organized from The Happiness Project

I receive my daily emails from The Happiness Project and had to pass this one along. I am always struggling as a hoarder and in general, somewhat unorganized person, so when this happened into my inbox I wanted to get cleaning! (Scary, I know!)

Sometimes the simplest, smallest efforts make the difference. Check out the post here.
No, not my living room :(

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Girly Girl Gift Guide

Wow! There's been so much going on! Here's a Holiday Gift Guide that my Headband (#3) has been featured in at Vainbuthonest's blog. Here's the link!

Girl Crush

Ok, I know I've been mia for quite awhile and I do apologize. You know, this life thing is getting in the way of my blogging!! :) Anyway, I came across this blog and am drooling! I'm a huge fan of Yokoo on Etsy and now I can't get enough of her blog. Come check it out here.
Happy December!
UPDATE: I was just catching up on the Storque articles and came across Handmade Potraits: Yokoo. Check it out here.
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