Saturday, May 29, 2010
Have a Wonderful Weekend

I'm Dreaming

Etsy recently had a great post and video about Process: Upholstering with Sprucehome. Check it out here. It just made the itch grow stronger! Maybe one day..... for now, I will keep doing pieces for myself and learning. And sometimes it just feels good to dream.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Cleansing the Body & Detoxifying

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday's Wonders 5.26.10 Sewing
I have TONS of t-shirts and several that I'm not crazy about anymore, but would hate to get rid of just yet. This white one below was just a pain! So I pulled out another white t-shirt that was a little worse off and fixed it up. I think it's my new favorite tee!!!

It's hard for me to get how some people can whip something together and it looks amazing and fits right. Maybe that's just one skill I don't quite have.... yet!
Treasury Time
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Marang Studios

- Marang Fine Art - You will see the artwork I create from mixed media paintings, fiber art and my Rollies.
- Marang Home - This will showcase my creations for your home - decor and furnishings.
- Marang Style - Here you will find fashion accessories, jewelry, and maybe even some clothes.
- Marang Style Repurposed - These are all my fashion accessories that have a twist - they've all been created from recycled, repurposed and reclaimed materials.
- Berte's Beauties - These wonderful creations are all made by my Grandmother. Look for crocheted hats and afghans and more items to come!
- Sale Sale Sale - Just what it says - items on sale. These creations may, or may not be returning to Marang Studios. So get them quick at a great price!!
Let me know what you think! I'd love any feedback or advise you may have. Cheers!
Lovely Clusters

Friday, May 21, 2010
I would be....

If I were a season, I would be spring
If I were a place, I would be Paris
If I were an instrument, I would be a piano
If I were a spice, I would be vanilla
If I were a tree, I would be a oak
If I were a time of the day, I would be mid afternoon
If I were an herb, I would be rosemary
If I were a fruit, I would be a peach
If I were a dessert, I would be chocolate
If I were a moment, I would be a hug
If I could be anyone in this world, I would still be me.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Oh Happy Day!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wednesday's Wonders 5.12.10 Gardening
I am so excited and happy for a new garden in the works. We have extra land at the gallery I work at and have all decided to start a vegetable garden there. There will be 7 to 8 of us working and tending to the garden. The ground has been worked, the bunny fence is installed and we are ready to plant! We currently have 52 plants of 15 vegetables, herbs, and flowers, and even more seeds. Our last frost will be tonight (28 degrees!! brrrr!) so tomorrow is planting day!

I came across a fellow blogger who planted Bee's Friend (Phacelia tanacetifolia) and I though this would be a wonderful addition to our garden. It attracts bees and other good insects that help keep away the bad ones. I ordered it right away!!
A great gardening tip I discovered by chance was to have a few plants of catnip around the parameter of your garden. This will bring the neighborhood cats around and keep the bunnies and other furry pests out! I suggest getting catnip as plants and place in pots. The larger the plant the better as some cats will just devoir the whole thing in one sitting.
And don't forget those great Marigolds. They come in such a great variety of heights, sizes, variations and range from the most beautiful yellows to the deepest rusty orange. These are a long time staple in gardens to keep out bad insects. In Mexican tradition, the marigold is widely used in celebrations of Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead on November 2nd. The marigold is known as Flor de Muerto or (Flower of the Dead). I've seen them hanging strung together as garlands over entrance ways to homes in the fall. I will be trying this in the fall as we have 22 marigold plants and tons more seeds that will be going into our garden.
Gardening has always been something as a family we always did. I am forever grateful for having this knowledge and feel close to my family everytime I work in the garden even though they live hundreds of miles away. I am excited to see how our work garden turns out and see what relationships and connections are made and continued. Please stay tuned for updates on our little garden!
Do you have a garden? What do you love most about gardening?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Get 'em quick!!

These items at my Etsy site will be expiring soon may or may not be making an appearance for some time. So get them QUICK!!!
1. Carnation Flower Pin - Navy with Gold Dots - Recycled T-shirt - $7.50
2. Winter Lace - Crocheted Granny Square Scarf - $25
3. Circus Act - Crocheted Carnation Pin - $14
4. Valentines Scarf - Striped - $25
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wednesday's Wonders 5.5.10 CINCO DE MAYO

And you will definitely find me tonight at El Paseo enjoying my favorite band from Santa Fe - Chango!