2. Take a hot air balloon ride.
3. Learn to surf.
4. Run a marathon.
5. Learn the trapeze.
6. Learn to snowboard. DONE! February 12, 2012
7. Go horseback riding along the beach.
8. Learn to swing dance.
9. Learn to water ski. DONE! Summer 2011
10. Ride in a helicopter.
11. Learn rock climbing, preferably outdoors.
12. Own a home.
13. See the Grand Canyon. Stay in one of the cabins for a weekend.
14. See Angel Falls in South America.
15. See the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis.
16. See "Guernica", Pablo Picasso, Museo Reina Sofia.
17. See "The Mona Lisa", Leonardo da Vinci, The Louvre, Paris, France. DONE! July 1996
18. See Mount Rushmore.
19. Visit all 50 states.
20. Own a classic car.
21. Grow Bonsai Trees.
22. Throw a wine and cheese tasting party.
23. Get my Master's Degree.
24. Get out of debt.
25. Become a millionaire.
26. Create/continue my family tree. Working on it at Ancestry.com
27. Create/continue family traditions.
28. Live downtown in a big city.
29. Create a garden sanctuary.
30. Help build a Habitat for Humanity House.
31. Plant a community garden.
32. Have my artwork represented by a gallery.
33. Establish my own business.
34. See Cirque du Soleil preform. DONE! December 8, 2012 Quidam
35. See a Broadway play or musical.
36. Attend the Olympics.
37. Ice skate at Rockefeller Center at Christmas time.
38. Learn to do a back flip. (I have done this before many, many times. But after falling and hitting my head a couple of times I have been too scared to do it again. So it's on the list.)
39. Take a 365 Day Challenge.
40. Do a 3-7 day cleanse. DONE! Fall 2010
41. See a total eclipse. DONE! December 2010 the Super moon.
42. Weave a basket. DONE! March 2011 Coiled Basket
43. Have my portrait painted.
44. Live in San Francisco, CA.
45. Be a Featured Artist on Etsy's homepage.
46. See The Lightning Field by Walter de Maria in Quemado, NM.
47. Get married.
48. Write a book.
49. Be in a commercial. DONE! 2005 Gallery commercial that ran on KNME
50. Ride a mechanical bull.
51. Keep a journal on me at all times. (I have done this and since my purse had gotten stolen, I've not had one on me.)
52. Keep a camera on me at all times. (I do have one most of the times, but I need one that is completely point and shoot.)
53. Own a computer/laptop. DONE! Bought February 2011
54. Be more aware of peoples feelings, the setting, the atmosphere, and things going on around me.
55. Own a sports car.
56. Have TWO Christmas trees.
57. Donate my own money to a charity.
58. Volunteer.
59. Adopt a pet from a rescue shelter.
60. Adopt or have a child of my own.
61. Save enough money to not have to work for one, or more, years before I retire.
62. Run a 5k. DONE! February 12th, 2011 Cupid's Chase, Santa Fe, NM.
63. Run a 1/2 marathon.
64. Become a billionaire.
65. See where my Grandmother grew up in France.
66. Meet my cousins/family that live in France.
67. Buy a 'fixer-upper' house and remodel everything.
68. Continue building my fine art collection.
69. Learn glass blowing.
70. Own a vintage/antiques shop. Online or otherwise.
71. Visit Egypt, see the Pyramids and other stops along the way.
72. Travel to outer space.
73. Go skinning dipping.
74. Go bungee jumping.
75. Ride in a gondola in Venice, Italy.
76. See Niagra Falls.
77. Kiss in the rain.
78. Go to a drive-in theater. DONE! Summer 2011
79. Sit in the hot springs in northern Honshu, Japan with the snow monkeys.
80. Take a scenic train ride.
81. Try absinthe. DONE! 2.5.11 Yikes!
82. See Burning Man.
83. Visit and tour around Australia.
84. Visit the Great Wall of China.
85. See, but most likely not run, the Running of the Bulls.
86. Tour the Almalfi coast.
87. Vacation in a castle or villa in France, Spain or Italy.
88. Go Para-sailing.
89. See Glacier National Park in Montana.
90. See the tulip fields blooming in Holland.
91. Learn French.
92. Climb a 14,000+ mountain peak.
93. Hike to Lake Katherine in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, NM.
94. Build/design my own home.
95. Live in a tropical area/town/climate.
96. Get rid of most of my possessions and live without clutter.
97. Be in a movie.
98. Travel around South America.
99. Have my own sustainable farm.
100. Renew my passport and begin collecting stamps!!
I didn't realize I was able to update some of these! It's always exciting to be able to cross things off your list! Do you have a 100 List or Bucket List? What would one thing on your list be?