Thursday, March 17, 2011

My 100 List (Finale - part 10!!)

photo via flickr
Over the past several weeks I have been taking stock of goals, ideals, projects - life. I have been creating my 100 List, or Bucket List. This is my final installment of 10!!

91. Learn French.
92. Climb a 14,000+ mountain peak.
93. Hike to Lake Katherine in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, NM.
94. Build/design my own home.
95. Live in a tropical area/town/climate.
96. Get rid of most of my possessions and live without clutter.
97. Be in a movie.
98. Travel around South America.
99. Have my own sustainable farm.
100. Renew my passport and begin collecting stamps!!

Phew!! I'd better get to work crossing some of these off! Keep an eye out for future posts on updates when I cross items off my list.

Do you have a Bucket List or 100 List? What would one thing be on your list?

1 comment:

  1. 91 (except it's Italian - not French), 96 and 99 (it's listed as "make an entire meal from the ground up") are all on my list. I've only got 30 on my list though...

    This was fun to read!


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